Renting out a commercial or a residential property in full or in part, you will definitely be needing a rental agreement to make that transaction safe and secure for both parties (owner and tenant). However, in this article, we will only discuss renting out the rooms within a commercial or a residential property for which you will be required a room rental agreement. We have also provided a great collection of room rental agreement templates that will help you draft professional-looking room rent agreements within no time. All these templates are free to use and are available in Doc format which means you can easily customize its contents using a word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs etc.
Our team of experts has worked very hard to gather this beautiful collection of professional room rental agreement templates that property owners can use for free. From conference room rental agreements to private room rental agreements, almost every type and format of room rental agreement is available here on this page for you. You can also customize all of these templates easily to create your very own version of the room rental agreement and doing so is going to save a lot of your valuable time and effort, Also, if you have free room rental agreement templates readily available for use just like our collection of free templates available on this page, you don’t have to hire any expert for drafting this type of agreement and that’s why it’s a cost-effective method too.
Using the free room rental agreement samples can also be helpful, especially for someone who does not know even the basics of drafting this type of agreement. These free templates will allow you to follow a standard format while drafting a room rental agreement and when you use these templates, you don’t have to worry about anything because every template on this page is preformatted. All you have to do is to select a suitable template of your choice, download it to your device by clicking the ‘Download’ button given adjacent to the preview image of every template, open it in Microsoft Word, edit its content and structure as per your liking, save the new version, and take a print out or two, of the room rental agreement to give one to the tenant and save one for your records. So, make sure to scroll down and don’t miss this collection of professional room rental agreement templates.
FREE Room Rental Agreement Templates are Given Here
Official Room Rental Agreement Template
Drawing a rental agreement for a room or any other property that you want to rent out is the responsibility of the owner of the property. This protects the interest of both the owner and the tenant and a written agreement can easily be enforced by law. If you are looking to draw a perfect room rental agreement, consider using the given free official room rental agreement template available in Doc format. Simply click the ‘Download’ button and the template will be yours to use.

File Size: 106 KB
Formal Room Rental Agreement Template
The basic elements of a room rental agreement include the details of the owner and of the tenant, the amount of rent to be paid by the tenant (usually every month), the duration of the tenancy, the date from which the tenancy will take effect, the signature of both parties and many other details depending upon the type and nature of the agreement. To help you write a proper written rental agreement for the room, our experts have provided this free formal room rental agreement template for you that you can use to quickly draft a perfect room rental agreement so make sure to check out this template.

File Size: 38 KB
Month-to-Month Room Rental Agreement Word Template
Usually, a room rent or rent of any property is agreed to be paid on a monthly basis however many property owners and tenants do agree to pay the amount of rent on a quarterly, half-yearly, or even yearly basis. However, to make it more clear and easily understandable for both parties to the agreement, a month-to-month room rental agreement is drawn that you can also create with the help of the given below template. Click the blue colored ‘Download’ button and start using this template to create your very own rental agreement.

File Size: 14 KB
Fillable Room Rental Agreement Form Template
If you own a real estate company that rents out commercial and residential properties in full or in part, this free room rental agreement template is perfect for you. This free template will allow you to draft an amazing rental agreement for a room that you are looking to rent out to someone. Actually, it is a room rental agreement form that includes all the basic elements of a proper rental agreement.

File Size: 20 KB
Printable Room Rental Agreement Sample
Get this free blank room rental agreement printable sample downloaded to your computer or any other device that you are using with just a single click. You will only be required to fill out this room rental agreement sample with your details and your rental agreement will be ready of which you can take two print outs, one for the tenant and the other one to be retained for your own records.

File Size: 48 KB
Basic Room Rental Agreement Format
This is a basic format of a legally binding room rental agreement in which you can easily create a rent agreement by adding your details. If you are looking to rent out a single room within your own residence, you can use this basic format of a room rental agreement which includes all the relevant details of the rental agreement as well as its terms and conditions.

File Size: 05 KB
Customizable Room Rental Agreement Doc Template
When entering a rental agreement, it is important that both the owner and tenant are on the same page and that everything must be clarified by both parties to the agreement. This type of template enables you to write up a perfect room rental agreement that includes all the necessary details and information related to the rental agreement of the room.

File Size: 08 KB
Simple Room Rental Agreement Template
Given below is a very simple yet perfect template for making a room rental agreement that you can use for drafting the room rental agreement very quickly. This free template can be used to draft a complete and easy-to-follow room rental agreement with very little effort so make sure you save this template to your PC or any other device you are using.

File Size: 12 KB
Standard Room Rental Agreement Template
A standard modern room rental agreement looks exactly like the one given below template with the help of which you can easily draft some amazing rental agreements whenever you want to rent out a room to a student or any other person. Use this standard room rental agreement template and along with adding your details, make sure to write down your own terms and conditions of the rental agreement in a clear and concise way.

File Size: 13 KB
Detailed Room Rental Agreement Template in MS WORD
With the help of this detailed room rental agreement template, our users can also add some additional sections to their rental agreement just like you can see in the preview image. As it is available in Doc format and can be customized using MS Word, you can easily create your very own version of the room rental agreement with the help of this free template. So, make sure to click the given below ‘Download’ button to get this template saved to your device.

File Size: 12 KB
Sample Room Rental Agreement Layout
A very easy and simple layout of a room rental agreement that will make you able to draft a room rental agreement very easily and efficiently. Simply lay out the basic terms in the beginning and then add the details of the tenant and owner along with their signatures. Save this format by downloading it to your device and using it to create your personal room rental agreement.

File Size: 12 KB
Conference Room Rental Agreement Example
Most organizations have conference rooms within their establishments where they hold meetings whereas some organizations might not have one. However, if there is a large-scale meeting or a presentation, conference rooms can be acquired on rent and for this purpose, a conference room rental agreement is drafted just like the one given below. Use this free conference room rental agreement example and edit its details in Microsoft Word to make it usable for your own purposes.

File Size: 67 KB
Monthly Room Rental Agreement Form Template Word
This is another monthly room rental agreement form template by using which you can draft a seamless room rental agreement without wasting a lot of time and effort. It consists of all the important details that must be incorporated into a room rental agreement to make it look more complete and official. Just click the blue colored ‘Download’ button and you will be able to use this template for free.

File Size: 12 KB
Special Room Rental Agreement Template
This template is perfect for the hotel rooms that you can rent out on an hourly or even monthly basis depending upon the situation. These are the special types of room rental agreements that you can draft with the help of the given room rental agreement template. Being a hotel manager or the manager of any organization providing room renting facilities like this, you should consider using this special room rental agreement template which is completely free to use.

File Size: 21 KB
Community Room Rental Agreement Template Word
Just like conference rooms, community rooms can also be acquired on rent and the community members can rent them out for celebrating birthdays or as an arrangement of stay for their guests. Community rooms can also be rented out on an hourly, daily or even monthly basis. Community management can use community room rental agreement templates like the one given below to draft perfect rental agreements with very little effort.

File Size: 25 KB
Meeting Room Rental Agreement Template Doc
When you acquire a room on rent to hold an official meeting(s), the owner should draw up a meeting room rental agreement like the one given below and present it to the tenant. This room rental agreement will help the owner and tenant to agree upon the terms and conditions of the agreement so as to be on the same page regarding such a tenancy. Details of the renting facility as well as of the tenant and owner are added along with the rental policies of the facility and other relevant details. Explore this easily editable room rental agreement further by clicking the given ‘Download’ button and save it to your device.

File Size: 16 KB