15+ BEST Award Acceptance Speech Examples

It is everyone’s dream that their efforts and work get recognized and for this purpose, people in different fields are presented with an award. The award is the recognition of one’s efforts and contributions in a particular field. When you win an award, be it in a school or college, for a sports competition, or you win an Oscar or Golden Globes, it is always recommended to give an award acceptance speech. In this article, we have got some amazingly helpful award acceptance speech examples available here for you on this page.

BEST Award Acceptance Speech Examples

Human Rights Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 141 KB

Social Worker’s Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech PDF

File Size: 189 KB

Mentor’s Award Acceptance Speech Sample

File Size: 118 KB

Alumni Award Acceptance Speech PDF Example

File Size: 104 KB

Sample Award Acceptance Speech in PDF

File Size: 79 KB

Standard Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 72 KB

Physician’s Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 12 KB

Example Award Acceptance Speech of a CEO

File Size: 253 KB

How Does an Award Acceptance Speech Template Help?

When you feel confident that you are going to win an award for your work, you surely want to write a perfect award acceptance speech. For this, you can take help from the award acceptance speech samples given here on this page. These free samples will help you draft a perfect award acceptance speech with minimal effort. Of course, not every speech is a perfect one but using these pre-formatted samples will help you jot down a memorable acceptance speech for the special occasion.

The free award acceptance speech templates will enable you to customize and write down your own speech without wasting a lot of your time and effort. Moreover, if you opt for writing such a speech yourself, you will have a guide in the form of these free samples that you can follow for writing the best acceptance speech.

More Award Acceptance Speech Examples

Alumnus of the Year Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 66 KB

Mala Yousafzay’s Nobel Peace Prize Award Acceptance Speech

File Size: 278 KB

Formal Award Acceptance Speech Template

File Size: 239 KB

Long Award Acceptance Speech Sample PDF

File Size: 11 KB

Award Acceptance Speech Example for Excellence in Art Education

File Size: 42 KB

Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 223 KB

Children’s Peace Literature Award Acceptance Speech Example

File Size: 108 KB

Simple Award Acceptance Speech PDF Sample

File Size: 75 KB

What Do You Say When Accepting an Award?

When you go on stage to accept an award or even if you are accepting an award remotely (like Sir Anthony Hopkins accepted the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performance in the movie, The Father via a video message), you have to deliver a speech. When delivering an award acceptance speech you can follow these steps:

  • First of all, you can express your gratitude and thank the organization, institution, or group that has honored you with the award.
  • After that, you can thank your colleagues, supporters, friends, family, or anyone else who played their part and motivated you to achieve your success.
  • You can briefly share a sweet memory or a personal story in context of the award and your achievement.
  • Express the significance of winning this award and explain what it means to you both personally and professionally.
  • Last but not least, encourage your audience with a few words of inspiration and motivation.

While delivering an award acceptance speech, keep in mind that your speech should not only appreciate the organization’s recognition of your work but should also inspire the audience. So, be genuine and humble, and chose your words carefully so that your speech should leave a lasting impression on the audience.