People who take their health and fitness seriously usually maintain a proper workout routine. That’s why, to record and monitor their workout or exercise routine in an effective and efficient way, many people prefer using workout logs. These logs help you monitor your performance in terms of exercise and workout by allowing you to add your details to the workout log sheet on a daily basis. In this article, we have provided our users with a number of different types of workout log templates available both in Microsoft Word and Excel formats. Our users can easily customize every element of the given below workout log templates with just a few clicks and their own version of the workout log will be ready. Keeping a workout log is like having a personal journal for fitness enthusiasts, where we can meticulously capture and track the important details of our training. A workout log typically includes information like the date, type of exercise, muscles targeted with each exercise, duration, repetitions, sets, weights or resistance used, and any additional information or comments. With all this information in one single document will allow anyone to easily set realistic fitness goals and then monitor his/her performance accordingly. No matter what your fitness goal is, whether you want to lose weight or gain muscles, you can set your goals and then use a workout log to record and observe your exercise routine. So, in order to create an effective workout log, we have given different types and formats of workout logs right here on this page for you. Make sure you check out and start using these free templates to create the best workout logs for yourself or for other people, such as clients (if you are a trainer or fitness coach).
More About Premade Workout Log Templates
I myself used premade workout log templates to make effective and fully customized workout logs for maintaining a proper exercise routine. Even though you have modern apps to keep track of your health but I still prefer using a proper workout log that I make just within a few minutes with the help of the free workout log templates given below. Whenever I want to achieve a specific fitness goal, I set my target and craft the workout log sheet accordingly which helps me record and then observe my workout routine. With these easily editable workout log templates, I can easily edit a suitable template, add or remove any element, set the period (daily, weekly, or monthly), and change the layout, structure, and format of the template to meet my specific requirements. Being an entrepreneur, it is difficult to manage my time for workouts but my workout log also provides me a kind of motivation to get up and complete my workout on a daily basis. In this way, workout log templates have been of great help and I don’t have to purchase a workout log form anywhere because using the free templates like the ones given here on this page, allows me to make all sorts of customization quite easily. I must admit that using these predesigned templates not only proved to be a big time saver for me but it is also a budget-friendly option too for everyone. Moreover, all these templates are very simple to use and a proper record of your exercise routine can be maintained so that you can also present to your doctor in the case of a medical issue. So, all in all, using the premade workout log templates to create efficient workout logs has been quite beneficial to me and that’s why I highly recommend everyone to use these templates available free of cost.
No standard format is set for a workout log and one can prepare it in any way tjhey want to, but a well-structured workout log looks great and is effective as well. So, that’s why, it is recommended to craft a workout log using the premade templates as you will be able to follow a consistent format which makes your workout log quite useful. All the given templates of the workout log can easily be customized to your preferences and routine and you can add or remove any element in your workout log sheet quite easily. Workout log templates are also used frequently by fitness coaches and gym trainers; the gym trainers can make their own specific template from the given collection of workout log templates and then give them to their clients so that they can follow a perfect exercise routine with having these logs at place. When the client regularly fills out their workout log template, the instructors can observe their workout routine and performance and make necessary changes using the customizable workout log template. It is also very easy to update your workout log template as you will have the saved version on your device that you can access anytime for making necessary changes to your document. Our team of experts has provided a lot of different types of workout logs in different formats so that the users don’t have to look anywhere else for such templates. Using these templates also saves you a lot of time and within just a few seconds, you will be able to draft a seamless workout log either in MS Word or MS Excel, depending upon your choice. So, make sure not to miss checking out the given below collection and select and use any suitable workout log template(s) you want because you can use all these templates completely for free.
Download Workout Log Word Templates Here Below
Simple Workout Log Template

File Size: 88 KB
Handy Workout Log Word Template

File Size: 12 KB
Basic Layout of a Workout Log

File Size: 13 KB
Blank Workout Log Template

File Size: 21 KB
Attractive Design Workout Log Sample Doc

File Size: 03 KB
Detailed Workout Log Template Free Printable

File Size: 28 KB
Professional Three Monthly Workout Log Template

File Size: 20 KB
Special Workout Log Template in MS WORD

File Size: 32 KB
Free Editable Workout Log Template

File Size: 298 KB
Standard Workout Log Word Template

File Size: 10 KB
Sample Workout Log Template in MS WORD

File Size: 05 KB
Weekly Workout Log Template

File Size: 13 KB
Trackable Workout Log Word Template

File Size: 16 KB
Fillable Workout Log Template

File Size: 35 KB
Download Workout Log Excel Templates Here Below
Proper Workout Log Spreadsheet Template

File Size: 19 KB
Gym Workout Log Template

File Size: 21 KB
Daily Workout Log Template in MS EXCEL

File Size: 09 KB
Monthly Workout Log Sample Sheet

File Size: 46 KB
Dedicated Workout Log Template

File Size: 06 KB
Simple Workout Log Excel Spreadsheet Template

File Size: 05 KB
Fitness Magazine Workout Log Template

File Size: 06 KB
Official Workout Log Excel Template

File Size: 12 KB
Organized Daily Workout Log Template in XLSX Format

File Size: 26 KB
Best Workout Log Template for Beginners

File Size: 06 KB
Free Customizable Excercise Log Template

File Size: 37 KB