6+ FREE Transport Quotation Templates

If you are in transportation or related business, then one thing that you should need is a transport quotation. It is a necessary document that every transporter uses to let the clients know about different transportation or related services that they provide. In this article, you will find some free transport quotation templates that will help you draft a seamless transport quotation. Also, we have some useful tips for you to make a perfect transport quotation.

What is a Transport Quotation?

To put it simply, a transport quotation is an official written document that includes the details of the transportation services provided by a transportation business. A transport quotation, also known as a transportation quotation, is a written proposal for the cost of transportation services. Just like any other type of proposal or quotation, a transport quotation also provides the relevant necessary information to the clients that will help them make better decisions.

Usually, every transporter has its transport quotation template that enables them to send quotations to existing clients as well as prospects. It provides all the vital details related to the transport of goods or people from one place to another. This typically includes details like the means of transport, duration, distance, and details related to any additional service like loading, unloading, insurance, etc. The estimated costs for all the services are included in the transport quotation template so that the recipients can easily decide whether to opt for the service or not.

Download Transport Quotation Templates PDF

Official Transport Quotation Template

File Size: 622 KB

Transport Services Rate Quotation Template PDF

File Size: 208 KB

Bottled Drinking Water Transportation Quotation Sample PDF

File Size: 36 KB

Pesticide Transportation Quotation PDF Template

File Size: 88 KB

Professional Transport Quotation Request Form Template

File Size: 01 MB

Simple Auto Transport Quotation Template

File Size: 337 KB

Local Transport Request for Quotation (RFQ) PDF Template

File Size: 23 KB

Importance of a Transport Quotation

A transport quotation format is important for several reasons. Some of them are listed below:

  • A transport quotation provides the details of the transportation cost with enough clarity so that it helps the clients in understanding and making the right decision.
  • A quotation like this will help the clients or prospects to easily compare the transportation services provided by other transporters. This will then help them to reach an effective decision based on the cost, quality, and other factors related to the service.
  • Just like any other quotation, a transport quotation provides a basis for negotiation with the service provider.
  • It also helps the clients in planning and budgeting transportation costs.
  • A transport quotation is also used for record-keeping purposes. It can also be used in the future for resolving any disputes.
  • A transportation quotation can also be used as a reference for the agreed-upon terms and conditions and the costs of transportation, in the absence of the original transport bill or invoice.

How to Make a Perfect Transport Quotation?

As mentioned earlier, you can also use free transport quotation templates and formats to easily create a transport quotation. However, if you want to know how to make a perfect transport quotation, make sure to follow these steps:

Step 1:

Before beginning to prepare a transport quotation, it is important to gather all the relevant and necessary information. This includes details like the type of goods to be transported, distance, delivery period, and any other special requirements.

Step 2:

Depending upon the type of goods to be transported and the delivery period, chose the mode of transportation, including the type of vehicle.

Step 3:

Calculate the estimated costs of transportation like costs of fuel, labor, insurance, loading, unloading, or any other additional charges.

Step 4:

Present all the costs of the transportation services in a clear format and a concise manner. You should also include a detailed breakdown of all the charges. You should present all the costs separately and write the sub-totals for each of them. In the end, write down the grand total of the transportation cost in bold.

Step 5:

Specify the terms and conditions related to the transportation services with enough clarity so that both parties are on the same page regarding their rights and responsibilities. The terms and conditions usually include payment terms, insurance, liability, etc.

Step 6:

Make sure to review your transport quotation template for accuracy and completeness before finalizing and sending it to the client or prospect.

Step 7:

Don’t forget to mention the contact details of your business on the transport quotation. These contact details usually include mailing address, phone number, fax number, website, email address, etc. It is important to provide contact details so that clients can easily reach out to you.

Step 8:

Add your signatures and affix the official seal of your business on the transport quotation template. This will make the document official and legal.