In this article, you will learn what a community action plan is and its benefits. Additionally, you will also receive free community action plan templates that you can use according to your needs. Whenever you feel the need to create a community action plan, you can use any of these templates as a guide to creating one. Some of these sample community management plans are available in PDF and others in Microsoft Word formats.
What is a Community Action Plan?
A community action plan is a comprehensive plan that provides actions or steps to be taken to address a particular issue or problem or achieve a specific goal or objective. A community action plan also works like any other management plan such as a business plan, marketing plan, etc. A community is a group of individuals, organizations, or even local governments. Whenever an action plan is designed or developed for the community, it means that the community as a whole is impacted by a problem or issue. In such a plan, the nature of the problem or issue is clearly identified or a specific goal or objective is established. After that, a set of specific actions or steps is taken and a timeline is also established.
Community Action Plan Examples PDF
COVID-19 Community Response Action Plan Example

File Size: 185 KB
Official Community Action Plan Sample

File Size: 277 KB
Health Sector Community Action Plan Example

File Size: 203 KB
Community Action Plan Template for Childhood Obesity

File Size: 750 KB
Example Cancer Community Action Plan PDF

File Size: 687 KB
Blank Local Community Action Plan Example

File Size: 622 KB
Community Action Plan Template for Mental Wellness

File Size: 911 KB
Advantages of Community Action Plans
A community action plan is prepared with the collaboration of a community i.e., with the joint efforts of everyone who is a part of the company. Preparing such a plan can have many advantages, some of which are listed below:
- Effective community action planning can be provided for any aspect of the community be it economic development, education, health, etc.
- When every member of the community is involved in the process, it creates unity in the community.
- When everyone is trying to achieve a common goal, it leads to sustainable solutions.
- Community engagement programs are a great way to encourage collaboration and partnerships between individuals, organizations, and other stakeholders.
- With the help of a community action plan, a community’s issues and problems can be identified and resolved immediately.
- A community action plan provides detailed insight into all the actions that need to be taken to address an issue and resolve or achieve a specific goal.
Do make sure to check out the community action plan templates in pdf and word format on this page. This will allow you to create a complete action plan for the community whenever you need it.
FREE Community Action Plan Templates WORD
Fillable Initiative Community Action Plan Template

File Size: 14 KB
Example of a Community Action Plan in MS WORD

File Size: 112 KB
Formal Community Action Plan Template DOC

File Size: 26 KB
Printable Community Action Plan Template

File Size: 20 KB
Sample Community Action Plan for Injury Prevention

File Size: 49 KB
Draft Community Action Plan Word Template

File Size: 204 KB