Whenever an accident or an incident occurs due to fire, the owners or management of the damaged establishment or property must immediately report this to their respective fire department. Once such a fire incident is reported, the department should prepare a comprehensive report, called a fire incident report. In this article, our experts have collected some of the best fire incident report samples for you. You can use these free samples to better understand the purpose and significance of this report.
A fire incident report sample includes all the basic details related to an accident caused by a fire. Basically, such a report records details to answer some key questions of what, who, when, and how. The fire department’s responsibility is to prepare a detailed report of the fire incident and also they are responsible for preparing a report of their actions in response to such an incident. This report is then used by investigating agencies and insurance companies for further investigations into the incident.
Using Fire Incident Report Samples
The free fire incident report samples, just like the ones given here on this page, will help you understand the contents of a basic fire incident report. Local fire agencies can also use these templates to create their own fire incident report template to bring consistency and uniformity in reporting this type of incidents.
On this page, we have provided you with different types of fire incident report samples available in PDF format. You can use these samples to understand clearly what a fire incident report actually looks like and how this document is used. Creating such reports from scratch can take a lot of your time and you actually need to be an expert in preparing such reports. However, by using these handy fire incident report samples as a guide, you can easily create an error-free professional-looking fire incident report with minimal effort.
If you like any of the given samples and use them without any changes or modifications, you can also do so easily. All you have to do is to click the ‘Download’ button given adjacent to the preview image of every sample and it will be downloaded to your computer. After that, you can easily take its printout for using it practically.
Sample Fire Incident Reports are Given Below
Request for Fire Incident Report Sample
The given below sample is the request for obtaining the actual fire incident report from the local fire department. If you are the owner of the damaged property, you will require the original fire incident report for various purposes like insurance. This sample will guide you on how to file an official request for obtaining the fire incident report from the respective fire department. Check this sample by simply clicking the download button and saving it onto your computer.

File Size: 14 KB
Standard Fire Incident Report Form Sample
Get this standard fire incident report sample to know better about the basic details of a fire incident report. You can take a look at the preview image and see how comprehensive this incident report is. Explore this sample in more detail by clicking the download button given adjacent to the preview image.

File Size: 116 KB
Detailed Fire Incident Report PDF Sample
Most fire agencies or departments use this type of format for writing a fire incident report. This amazing sample includes every detail about the fire incident thus making things quite easy for the investigating authorities to investigate the matter in depth. Being a representative of a fire department who is responsible for drafting a fire incident report, you should consider using this sample to create a professional fire incident report.

File Size: 390 KB
Simple Fire Accident Report Form PDF Template
A simple yet very effective fire accident report form by a fire department with which you can quickly get all the details pertaining to a fire incident. All you have to do is to fill out some basic details like the date, time, and location of the accident, and then write a brief description of the accident to make things easily understandable. You can use this fire incident report form in a situation where a fire incident has not caused a lot of damage and detailed information about the incident is not required. Go ahead, and download this free printable fire accident report form for practical use.

File Size: 92 KB
Official Fire Incident Report Sample
A perfect example of an official fire incident report from the office of the fire commissioner. This fire incident report form includes each and every piece of information that makes a fire incident report more useful. After taking a print out of the fire incident report sample like this, an official representative of the fire department fills out all the blanks to get an overall picture of the fire incident. Based on this report, the investigating authorities commence their investigating operations to understand how and why such an accident incurred.

File Size: 38 KB
Vehicle Fire Incident Report Sample PDF
The given sample is used particularly when a vehicle fire incident is incurred. Reporting a vehicle fire incident is different from reporting any other type of fire incident as different types of details and information are required to be reported in it. So that’s why a vehicle fire incident report is used whenever a fire incident related to a vehicle incurs. Download this free sample to explore a vehicle fire incident report in more detail.

File Size: 42 KB
Fillable Fire Incident Report Sample
An explicit fire incident report from a fire department looks exactly like the one given below. You can use this free sample as an inspiration for creating this type of fillable fire incident report sample in Microsoft Word or Excel. Just like this sample, you can add your department or agency’s logo, name, and other details, and provide blank fields for the users to fill them out with the required details. You can make your incident report sample as much detailed as possible.

File Size: 595 KB
Fire Incident Report Format Sample
This type of fire incident report comes from the office of the fire Marshal and it has an easily understandable format and layout. You can divide all the information into little segments and leave blank spaces for the relevant official to fill it out with the required details. Get this free sample by simply downloading it onto your PC and this sample can be modified or used as it is.

File Size: 94 KB
Printable Fire Incident Report Request Form Sample PDF
This is another sample of the fire incident report request form that users can check out if you are looking to get the original fire incident report. For such a request, you have to contact the city fire department and provide them with the details of the incident like date, location, incident report number, etc. The department may or may not charge you for requesting access to such public records as per their policy.

File Size: 27 KB
Sample Fire Incident Report PDF
This is another well-detailed fire incident report sample to record the major details of a fire incident. Besides including simple details related to the incident, this sample also enables you to dig into more details with questions like causes of fire, the exact location of the fire in the facility, known or expected monetary loss, type of equipment used to extinguish the fire, steps taken to ensure nothing like this happens again, etc. This type of thorough fire incident report sample comes in handy for the police and other investigating authorities to help them in finding out the actual reasons for such an incident.

File Size: 61 KB
Insurance Fire Incident Report Sample
This one particular fire incident report sample can be used by a representative of an insurance company. Insurance companies can request the original fire incident reports from the respective departments or agencies as well as they can also prepare their very own fire incident report to assess the whole situation on their own. Insurance companies are responsible for compensating the owner of the damaged property or facility so that’s why they prefer preparing their very own fire incident report for separately investigating the whole incident themselves. So, if you are a representative of an insurance company responsible for preparing this type of report, then the given fire incident report sample can give you a pretty good start.

File Size: 152 KB